Teaching Methodology

Instructors develop their unique teaching methodology based on practice, experience, periodical CCE training and a general belief in what constitutes good teaching. The teachers take a learner centered approach, viewing their role as more of a facilitator of students learning than being mere instructors. Every individual teacher has his/her own preferred style, yet they do have an open approach of teaching, a blend of various styles.

Our qualified and experienced teachers are carefully trained to ensure that students receive the best education, using a balance of traditional techniques and modern methodologies. Our teachers encourage students to speak in English to increase their confidence and fluency.

We always believed in developing the inter-personal skills of a student and hence has adopted many modern ways to enhance the quality of education. The methods like role-play, games, presentations, workshops, conferences, brainstorming, case study and modern audio-visual aids like documentary films, computer, internet etc… have been introduced in education.

Smart class is a digital initiative, which is rapidly transforming the way teachers teach and students learn in schools with innovative and meaningful use of technology. Powered by the world’s largest repository of digital content mapped to Indian School Curriculum, smart class brings in technology right next to the blackboard for teachers in the classrooms. Students learn difficult and abstract curriculum concepts watching highly engaging visuals and animations. This makes learning an enjoyable experience for students while improving their overall academic performance in school.