The Science Laboratories have been given a central & distinctive role in today’s education. As a matter of fact., the Science Educators have always suggested that there are rich benefits in learning from using laboratory activities.

Our science lab consist of Physics, Chemistry and Biology lab. The physics lab is equipped with a wide variety of apparatus which supplement and strengthen concepts learnt in the classrooms.In chemistry lab, the limitless opportunities to experiment with the reagents and chemicals in the lab facilitate the growth of scientific temper and kindle curiosity in the students. The environment of the Bio Lab inculcates love for all living organisms. Its hold a mirror unto the marvellous world of microbes, thus providing an impetus to the students to look for successful career options in life sciences.
The school has a Mathematics lab to help students to overcome the fear of Mathematics. The main objective behind Mathematics lab is to make students familiar with the concepts of Mathematics. The models and chart develop a curiosity among the students to learn by doing method.

Computers are a way of life. The school provides computer education to all the students right from class I to class IX. The entire set up is managed by a set of qualified faculty which familiarizes students with every aspect of computers so as to keep them abreast with the latest technology.